Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kelsey Grammer Wedding


Kelsey Grammer Wedding: Kelsey Grammar Wedding of the latest news about the wedding, Kelsey Grammar, Kelsey Grammar marriage Kayte Walsh in New York on Friday, Interior Longacre Theatre, Kelsey Grammar Wedding where married and the space is still decorated with accessories from La Cage AUX Folles, and huge bouquets of pink and red flowers in urns of gold. Kelsey Grammar during a touching wedding ceremony, conducted by Terry Lovell was a colleague of grammar musicals on Broadway, the officers read poems that the bride and groom wrote to each other. As the pair listened, they seemed to be holding back tears, as a guest. After Walsh's brother, Stuart, sang "Feels Like Home" by Randy Newman, Grammar, 55, and Walsh, 29, read the traditional vows. Kelsey Grammar wedding, they seemed very happy, "he told the people wedding guests after the ceremony," really, really happy. Kelsey Grammar Wedding Lavelle addition, the couple followed the grammar of the two older daughters, Spencer and Greer, Walsh's sister, Sophie and friend Angela Copeland. The women wore black dresses and pumps compliance Christian Louboutin. Kelsey Grammar Wedding bride wore silk dresses with pearl shell belts and bodice - custom design by Peter Langner for Mark Ingram, according to Access Hollywood. Son joined the grammar Jude Walsh brothers groom and best man was a friend of Charles DeGersdorff. mmediately after the ceremony, a small group of guests headed to the Plaza Hotel for a sumptuous dinner in the Grand Ballroom, which was decorated with a well-known events designer Ed Libby. A few hours later, the guests returned to find the grand ballroom is transformed: the tables have been replaced by Regal, braided gold, coffee tables and a massive dance floor, flanked by a step on the one hand, and a stylish bar with another. It was a beautiful, very stylish, "said one wedding guest." It was not too much and just in time. They finally did it right. After dinner, the newlyweds cut the cake carrot 55-inch Sylvia Weinstock and shared a story about how they met: He was flying to see La Cage in London, and was a flight attendant. It was very, very sweet, "one customer told the people." Kelsey is very good with words. He is an actor, so he was very eloquent and sweet. It was also, and very authentic. Throughout the night, the grooves on the dance floor packed with guests while the DJ played tunes such as "I want to dance with somebody" and "Do not stop Believin '", which one source described as "all songs can sing and dance. Fiance and the bride spent the night in a different direction, "said one customer, who added:" They seemed so genuinely in love and happy. They danced with each other all the time, and seemed very happy together, really part of the festival. As the evening drew to a close, guests were treated to desserts of the past, including a mini-ice cream and cocktails in the near future. Kelsey Grammar Weddings


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