Saturday, February 26, 2011

Irish Election Results


Irish Election Results: This News about Irish Election Results, The center-right Fine Gael party appears likely to win the general election in Ireland, according to early election results and exit polls. Fianna Fáil's decision seemed about to be punished by Irish voters the counting of votes began today. An exit poll by RTE, the national broadcaster, said Fine Gael would be the government but was unlikely to obtain an absolute majority. The exit poll, which surveyed voters on election day, Fine Gael made with the support of 36% followed by the party center-left Labour with 20.5% and Fianna Fail, with only 15% of bands. If the results of exit surveys true, Fine Gael to score his best result of the elections in over 28 years and will be able to form its first government in 14 years. Ballot counting throughout Ireland has shown that predictions of the collapse of support for Fianna Fail were met. The party and its former leader, Brian Cowen, have been blamed for leading Ireland in its deep economic crisis. The country was forced to seek a bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) last year. Loans € 67500000000 Ireland has engaged with strict conditions that Ireland will continue to reduce its deficit and reduce debt. Cowen government has agreed to overhaul the banking sector in Ireland and to reduce its deficit below 3% of GDP by 2015 under the terms of the bailout. Enda Kenny, leader of Fine Gael and the likely next prime minister, said he will try to renegotiate the Ireland bailout agreement with the EU and the IMF, if his party forms the next government. Kenny says he wants better conditions for loans; primarily a reduction in interest rates by 6% near the countries must pay. Irish Election Results


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