Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Chris Christie Ron Paul should kidnap

Chris Christie Ron Paul should kidnap: Ron Paul can win. He can kidnap Chris Christie. Hold Christie hostage in a cabin. With Christie now receiving the media adoration once given to the buffoon Donald Trump, and then poured on the hapless Rick Perry, my kidnap plan could propel Paul to the White House. Here's how it would work: all morning, outside the cabin, Paul could host a news conference to end the Christie kidnap. Imagine: With the media herd hungrily assembled, Chris Mathews would breathlessly ask Paul: "When will you release Christie?” Ron would reply: "I'll that discuss that soon, but first I want to discuss my plans to end secrecy of the Federal Reserve Board" to the huge audience. Matt Drudge and Roger Ailes would have a field day with the Christie kidnap. Drudge would banner in bold: CHRISTIE TAKEN PRISONER. Media coverage would surge. Ailes, who's turned Republican debates into a fact show, as Howard Kurtz brilliantly writes in Newsweek, would apply Fox money to hire a mercenary army to liberate Christie, with live coverage of the liberation on the Bill O'Reilly show. But before the Ailes force lands the next morning, with Christie still in custody, Paul would emerge before the hungry media herd again. Wolf Blitzer would ask: "When will you release Christie?" Ron would reply: "Wolf, I'll discuss that soon, but first I want to discuss why I believe America is militarily overextended, which skyrockets our national debt.” Carville might say: It's about time! Castellanos might say: This could propel Paul, but the big winner is Mitt Romney. Gergen might say, an interesting strategy, but we have to balance all considerations. Think about it. Ron Paul would have the biggest audience in history, and could address the nation about its future, while the media herd awaits the Christie release. Of course, I'm kidding. If you think these sounds like the great film “Network,” you are right. But I am making some big points here. First, Ron Paul, Herman Cain and Jon Huntsman are all, for different reasons, being treated as national non-persons by the political media. 2nd, political media has become a national freak show that moves from one flavor of the month to the next, without seriously addressing the things that voters care deeply about. Like jobs, wars, mortgages and poverty. Who looked more asinine, Donald Trump running for president against the president's birth certificate, or political TV personalities who treated him seriously as a potential commander in chief? Poor Rick Perry. He never understood that the beast that praised him, as it now praises Christie, will devour him, as it will devour Christie if he runs, which he's almost certainly too smart to do. 3rd, it is impossible to have a serious discussion about serious issues on political TV. The nation hungers for serious politicians who will address serious matters, and for political television that doesn't treat the audience as though they're political consultants or village idiots. But the country hungers in vain, which is why a lot of eyeballs turn elsewhere while left, right and center mass audiences move to different media. I oppose the idea of Ron Paul kidnapping Chris Christie. It would trick political media into covering candidates and issues it ignores. It would work! But as Richard Nixon said: It would be wrong.Chris Christie Ron Paul should kidnap.


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