Saturday, February 26, 2011

San Francisco Snow

San Francisco Snow; Hilly San Francisco has a rare light dusting of snow, the National Weather Service said Saturday. Snow fell briefly Friday night and Saturday morning on the town of Twin Peaks neighborhood and other areas with higher elevations, said meteorologist Mark Strobin Just in the hills," Strobin the Associated Press. "It snowed about 400 feet. But there was only rain in downtown and other other areas of the city sea level, and snow that falls quickly disappeared.  The city last saw snow on the ground in 1976, during thumbs down.  Strobin said the higher regions could have been dusting of snow that measurable snow has fallen 35 years ago. He said it was too early to say how this event will be recorded.  Strobin, which is based in Monterey, Calif., said the city also got a rare dusting of snow.  The storm system moved through northern responsible for snow in San Francisco California also dumped more than 2 feet of snow in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada,  Just the thought of snow possible on the tech-savvy city looking forward to heaven. A blogger posted a ski card claim, noting possible beginner, intermediate and expert is in the hilly district of the city Bernal Heights. A newly created website - - gives a simple answer for anyone who wonders.  The San Francisco Chronicle published old photos of snow in 1882, 1951, 1964 and other rare event of snow town - including a photo of the storm of 1976 which shows happy kids throwing balls snow.  On Friday, the storm was San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee to take precautionary measures. He urged residents to monitor the status of icy roads, and, if possible, avoid driving during the peak of the storm. The city's public works department was planning to offer free sandbags and emergency crews were on standby.  For snow to fall and accumulate in San Francisco, the temperature must fall to 36 degrees, precipitation must be down and the ground should be refrigerated for several days in advance, said Steve Anderson, also a National Weather Service forecaster.  Although it is rare that cold in San Francisco, where the bay surrounding the Pacific Ocean and generally keeps temperatures moderate, temperatures in San Francisco were supposed to fall into the 30s overnight, according to the National Weather Service .San Francisco Snow Share


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