Sunday, February 27, 2011

Meet the Press


Meet the Press: This News about Meet the Press, Appearing on Meet the Press, in addition to Susan Rice, Dick Durbin, Lindsey Graham, Jennifer Granholm, Harold Ford, and Ed Gillespie was uber-voice against CNBC, Rick Santelli. The subject: who reigns in government spending, an issue that will be America until its last bond issue in the next 5 years. And while Rick was rather subdued this time approximately “ it seems that the voice CBOT only see red when faced with people like Steve Linesman” Meet the Press he compared the crisis in America now to the events of 9 / 11 "I think it is a matter to be put on the air and sea - many, many other states, ultimately, maybe - do not have the same record as Wisconsin, but I think that, ultimately, collective bargaining, even from a federal level, these are main issues, and these costs must be brought under control. If the nation is ever attacked as it was 9 / 11, we all respond with a sense of urgency. What happens on the balance sheets across the country is the same type of attack. "He also noted the plight of Illinois provided that alternative is a plan austerity forced (and considering that various politicians of Wisconsin has received death threats over what is finally perceived a loss of some benefits law, the inevitable result of austerity in America will not be pretty) "Senator Durbin is of my state: $ 3.7 billion grant provided they need to put on the market, they have not paid the suppliers you know, he came to a crossroads where, if we do not have to do changes, Governor and congressman know will take time, we will have austerity imposed on us, and what kind of austerity will be much messier. There actually is not much opportunity for debate here. We need action. "But most important is the realization that nobody has a clue what to do, and just like an article written by the Globe and Mail screams," Wake up, Americans. Your dream is an economic nightmare. "Fortunately, with everyone's head in the sand, no one really minds. Meet the Press



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