Monday, February 28, 2011

Bank of America


Bank of America: Recently News about is bank of america online banking, Activists across the U.S. frustrated by federal budget cuts and state took to the streets Saturday, February 26 to protest against tax avoidance by companies. Protests in over 50 cities based Bank of America, who paid no taxes in 2009 or 2010; according to their SEC 10-K filed the report Friday. Local activists have protested inside and outside the Bank of America branch, conduct teach-in on tax evasion by companies and theater "bail-ins." Protests in Washington, DC and San Francisco forced the early closure of major bank branches. The effort of the United States, the U.S. UNCUT was inspired by a movement in England, United Kingdom called UNCUT. English activists have targeted companies that paid no or very low corporate taxes, thanks in large part to develop use of tax havens abroad and other tax loopholes. As in England and the Middle East, organized protest movement is largely decentralized through the website, and Facebook, and Twitter meet-up technologies. The movement of the United States was launched two weeks ago when 23-year-old Carl Gibson, Jackson, Mississippi, has become somewhat of state budget cuts. While working 3 part-time jobs, Gibson hosted a website and a local Mississippi UNCUT group. He was galvanized into action by the militant activities of the United Kingdom. There is a direct link between corporate tax avoidance and what happens in real life ¹ s people," said Gibson. "Because the foreign tax havens and other tax loopholes, U.S. companies make money in America, but just to pay taxes here. If we close the loopholes, we would not have to cut back on fire, opening hours and student loans. These events highlight the murky world of overseas tax havens. Irresponsible U.S. companies transfer their salaries in reporting operating losses in the U.S. while reporting profits in tax havens like the Cayman Islands, where they pay little or no taxes. United States officials of the Congressional Budget estimates that more than 100 billion per year are lost because of this tax gap, sufficient to eliminate all deficits combined state. Nicholas Shaxson, author of new book, Treasure Islands, wrote that tax havens are an important mechanism by which "the elite rich and powerful take advantage of the company without paying for them. Why the instinctive reaction of our politicians is were cuts above all to basic social services? They tell us there are no other options are on the table, still take action against tax evasion by companies received little attention, though, "said George Taghi, an organizer of the action Uncut DC. Protests against dodge corporate taxes could be one way that the spark of Wisconsin could spread widely. Although not every state has a governor reckless as Scott Walker or union Solidarity Union to push all states are facing huge budget cuts. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the budget deficits in U.S. states combined is at least $ 102 000 000 000 and probably closer to 148 billion dollars. This is just the beginning. USUNCUT is to identify the next wave of targets for actions that include companies with high profiles and outlets. A national coalition of businesses voted against tax havens. Small and the United States are rooted in evil tax havens because they are forced to compete on an uneven playing field. Companies and investors against abuses of tax havens, launched last summer, is the organization of business and voice has a national petition, Bank of America


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