Monday, February 28, 2011

2012 Olympics Logo

2012 Olympics Logo: Latest News about is 2012 Olympics Logo, Iran objects to the logo of the London Olympics in 2012, claiming he is racist because it resembles the word "Zion" and warning of a boycott of the games. The Secretary General of Olympic Council of Iran, Iran sent a letter to International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge. The letter says the logo in 2012 states "Zion," a biblical term widely acknowledged referring to the city of Jerusalem.  In comments carried by the official news agency IRNA Monday, the Secretary General Bahram Afsharzadeh said the letter urges other Muslim states to oppose the "racist logo. There is no doubt that the question of negligence on your part can affect the presence of certain countries in games, especially Iran, which respects the commitment to values and principles," the letter said.  Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for Israel's destruction and questioned the historical narratives of the Holocaust. Iranian athletes have refused to compete against Israelis.  The logo for the London shows "2012" irregular four-digit numbers and so far has been criticized for its design. The IOC said it had received the letter and joined the London organizers in dismissing the complaint of Iran. Our answer is: The logo for London 2012 represents the figure 2012, nothing else," said the IOC. The organizers of London said the design was launched in 2007 after tests and consultations. 2012 Olympics Logo


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