Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"Step Down" Andy Rooney, Was He Pushed?

"Step Down" Andy Rooney, Was He Pushed?: Andy Rooney is the only thing he said he would never give up "60 Minutes. Rooney, 92, will be released at the end of Sunday's" 60 Minutes ". In the last two months of weekly commentaries reliable Rooney were often cut out of the CBS, apparently to make way for the reports. Rooney has steadfastly maintained that he would never leave “60 Minutes” voluntarily, because he wouldn’t know what to do with his free time and he enjoys composing his weekly commentaries. Draw your own conclusions. Rooney’s final essay the 1097th during his tenure on “60 Minutes,” which began in 1978 will be preceded by a segment in which Morley Safer debriefs him about his career.


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