Sunday, September 25, 2011

Baton Rouge Police Probe End Of The LSU Fight In A Bar

Baton Rouge Police Probe End Of The LSU Fight In A Bar: As Baton Rouge Baton Rouge Police Department has completed its investigation, a bar fight in which the LSU football players, four men were wounded in battle prosecutor last month said that the proposal for dismissal of the charges the second battery can LSU quarterback Jordan Jefferson against is full of inaccuracies, errors of fact and facts are irrelevant to kick back around the case.ichael Bienvenu motion presented by the prosecutor of Jefferson Lewis Unglesby Friday, who said Jefferson was arrested "baseless accusations "and that is based on the certificate of the witness only. Bienvenu said those claims are inaccurrate, and some are "patently false." "There are at least four other witnesses that testified they saw Jordan Jefferson kicking Andrew Lowery in the head," Bienvenu said Saturday. "A couple of those folks were people (who say) they actually picked Mr. (Andrew) Lowery up off the ground after Mr. Jefferson quit kicking him." Baton Rouge Police Department Chief DeWayne White told the Baton Rouge Advocate that investigators interviewed their last witness to the fight Friday and will forward the case to the District Attourney's office "in the coming days." Bienvenu wrote in an email to the Times Picayune that "I have interviewed several of these eyewitnesses myself. Mr. Jefferson's counsel knows about the existence of these eyewitnesses. He has been informed of their testimony. Hence, the allegations contained in paragraph 5 of the motion are patently false. "Moreover, many of the statements that were obtained by Mr. Fisher “early on” and by Mr. Unglesby” since taking over for Mr. Fisher” are provably false “based on video evidence” and actually serve to incriminate Mr. Jefferson rather than to exculpate him." Unglesby remained adamant that Jefferson is innocent. "I stand by everything in that motion and my witnesses," Unglesby said. "I stand by the players." Jefferson and teammate Josh Johns were arrested Aug. 26 for their alleged participation in a fight at Shady's, an off-campus bar, on Aug. 19. Jefferson and Johns were suspended by Coach Les Miles and have missed the Tigers first three games. Four men, including Lowery, sought medical attention after the fight. One of the victims suffered three cracked vertebrae, BRPD said. Offensive tackle Chris Davenpoort and wide receiver Jarvis Landry were also implicated in the fight and all four were interviewed by police. No other arrests have been made. Unglesby's motion also states two of the victims instigated multiple fights, and that racial slurs were used against LSU players. It also said there are 25 witnesses who claim Jefferson were not involved in the fight. Bienvenu questioned the relevance of racial implications toward the merits of the motion. He said earlier this week several football players came forward with statements on Jefferson's behalf and are among the 25 witnesses claiming Jefferson's innocence. "Police beat the bushes and gave every player on that team an opportunity to come forward and say what they knew," Bienvenu said. "Not a single player stepped forward. A month later, a step forward and make statements. You have to ask that. This is absurd. "No one has mentioned so far used racial slurs," he said. "Although racial slurs were used, it is not a defense to a battery box in the second degree. He reached for a hearing. It is simply thrown to the public." Unglesby PDRF said LSU fell to interview the players, except the four who were involved. "They did not try to interview another player at LSU," he said. "They had a chance Sunday and Monday to do and not do it." Unglesby said there were 18 players submit written statements delivered PDRF then. Baton Rouge Police Probe End Of The LSU Fight In A Bar



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